About Nuclear Waste Services
Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) is here to provide solutions that are vitally important to the UK today and for future generations. Using our facilities and expertise, NWS will continue to safely manage radioactive waste already created over the past 70 years – and will support the UK Government’s net zero ambition by preparing to safely manage future radioactive waste.
Who we are
NWS brings together the best of the UK’s expertise in radioactive waste management. We have an expert team of around 900 people whose skills cover nuclear science, technology, engineering, safety, security, programme management, environmental protection, and community engagement.
The creation of NWS in January 2022 brought together the expertise of LLW Repository Ltd, Radioactive Waste Management Ltd, and the NDA group’s Integrated Waste Management Programme (IWMP).
We offer solutions across preparation and planning, treatment and packaging, and disposal of radioactive waste.
NWS is part of the NDA group, which has a collective long-term mission to clean up nuclear sites safely, securely, and cost-effectively. Our activities provide the end point in the nuclear journey and are critical to the NDA’s mission.

Why our work matters
For more than 70 years, nuclear technology has been a part of our lives in the UK. It currently provides around 15% of the UK’s electricity and is used in industry, medicine, research, and defence.
All of this activity has created a legacy of nuclear waste. There are more than 4 million cubic metres of waste still to be recovered and treated to complete the UK’s existing decommissioning programme.
Using our facilities and expertise, NWS will continue to safely manage waste already created over the past 70 years. We will also contribute to the UK Government’s net zero ambition by preparing to safely manage future waste.
Our vision and mission
NWS was created with the vision and purpose to make nuclear waste permanently safe, sooner.
Our mission is to become the ‘one-stop shop’ for all radioactive waste management and disposal solutions for the UK.
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